You probably have heard the word “ayurveda” and might be thinking it has something to do with herbs, massages and traditional medicine. You are quite right in that aspect. But if you wish to have a proper understanding about this discipline, please continue to read.
The word ayurveda in simple terms, means the great discipline that teaches to lead long healthy life. It was originated in India. A sage named “dhanwanthari” is considered as the father of this discipline.
Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is an ancient discipline which is native to Indian subcontinent. Even today, it is practiced in countries like India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
According to the book “charaka sanhithawa” life is our body consists of sensitive organs like eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and mind & soul. Therefore the primary aim of ayurveda is to maintain a well balance between the body & mind with societal and spiritual aspects to lead a long and healthy life.
The origin of ayurveda has been transferred from generation to generation by word. The ancient sages gathered below the Himalayan Mountain to share secrets about leading a long healthy life and to widen each other’s knowledge. As a result of it ayurveda or the science of life come into exist.
There isn’t any written evidence about the origin and development of ayurveda. For the first time ayurveda was mentioned by “Agni vesha” in his book “Agni vesha than-thram”. In later “charaka” revised it as “charaka shamhitha” Another book of this early age is “Gushrutha Samhitha” Before the arrival of stone script this knowledge was pass down in form of teacher to student.
In early stage scriptures were written on palmyra leaves and “Boja” leaves which are not durable. Later they were recorded on stone and copper papers. The verses that were written about ayurveda can be found out on the book called “antharvedha” some of those verses are very old. The Practices of ayurveda has been developing for a long time. Some even developing since ancient “vedha” era and during Buddha’s period it occurred in major scale.
Hinduism had a major impact on development of some of the ayurvedic theories. In early stages, divine sages used to keep this knowledge in their complex memory. Later this knowledge was transferred among ordinary people progressively. The description about ayurveda discipline chance from writer to writer. It could be because of translation difference, as information pass from mouth to mouth in different mediums. The first writers of ayurveda mentioned about these different practices in their copies of scripts.
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